Reliable Quality, Certified Performance
Exciting news! Our USB Type-C male and female connectors have successfully passed all compliance tests conducted by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) and officially obtained the TID (Test ID) certification as of January 4, 2016.
This certification guarantees that our USB Type-C connectors meet the highest industry standards for performance, durability, and compatibility. As a result, our products ensure seamless data transmission, efficient power delivery, and reliable connectivity for various applications. Whether for consumer electronics, industrial equipment, medical technology, or automotive electronics, our connectors provide the trusted solution you need.
With verified performance and assured quality, our USB Type-C connectors are ready for your projects! We are now accepting orders and providing full support for our certified products.
Looking for a dependable USB Type-C solution? Contact us today to learn more!
About Walta Electronic
Walta Electronic specializes in high-quality connectivity solutions, offering SD card connectors, DisplayPort, HDMI, USB, and Type-C connectors. Additionally, we provide a diverse range of cables, including DisplayPort cables, HDMI cables, USB cables, Type-C cables, and wire harness cables. With precision manufacturing and advanced R&D expertise, we deliver high-performance, reliable connectivity products for applications across consumer electronics, industrial equipment, medical technology, and automotive electronics. Our mission is to enhance connectivity solutions, ensuring superior compatibility and long-term competitiveness for our customers.
好消息!我們的 USB Type-C 公座與母座 已正式通過 USB 協會 (USB-IF) 各項嚴格測試,並於 2016 年 1 月 4 日 取得 TID (認證編號),品質經過專業驗證!
此認證證明我們的 USB Type-C 連接器符合業界最高標準,具備優異的性能、耐用性與相容性。不論是用於消費電子、工業設備、醫療技術或車用電子,我們的產品都能提供穩定可靠的連接方案,確保高效數據傳輸與安全電力供應。
憑藉 經過驗證的性能與穩定可靠的品質,我們的 USB Type-C 連接器已準備就緒,可滿足您的需求!目前開放提供服務並接受訂單,歡迎聯繫我們了解更多詳情!
尋找可靠的 USB Type-C 解決方案?立即與我們聯繫!
關於 Walta Electronic
Walta Electronic 專注於高品質連接解決方案,提供 SD 卡座、DisplayPort、HDMI、USB、Type-C 連接器。此外,我們亦供應 多樣化線材,包含 DisplayPort 線、HDMI 線、USB 線、Type-C 線、Wireharness 線。憑藉 精密製造技術與先進研發實力,我們為 消費電子、工業設備、醫療技術與車用電子 等領域提供 高性能、可靠的連接產品。我們的使命是 提升連接解決方案,確保卓越兼容性與長期競爭力,助力客戶成功。